Perishables or (Provisional Balance in Continuous Construction)

  • Year: 2021

    Medium: Mixed media installation, durational performance

    Dimensions: 24’ x 23’ x 22’4”, 24 days

  • 'Perishables or (Provisional Balance in Continuous Construction)' is an installation and durational performance where objects are moved throughout the exhibition and arranged over pallets on the border of collapse. As a result, this work is a situation that unfolds and evolves in time; here, there is no final product but rather a constant re-construction and re-definition of the artwork.

This project aims to bring attention to the precarious balance built over the objects' symbolic associations. For this purpose, 'Perishables' is a chance game with rules set to randomly choose the objects and allow physical conditions –such as weight and gravity– to define their relations. I used a spinning wheel as a chance occurrence device to decide the movements and activation of the work's components. Additionally, I sourced the objects through a public announcement inviting friends to donate ordinary things. With this act, I was looking to expand and challenge the selection of objects by introducing things that were out of my decision-making.


Study for a Wind-Finder


Chiquita Brand